Red Hat Contributes More to OpenStack than Canonical Ubuntu

From the ‘Culture of Contribution’ files:

Last year, Canonical the lead commercial sponsor behind Ubuntu, made a big deal about switching their Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) technology to an OpenStack base. The OpenStack open source cloud community also based their reference architecture on Ubuntu.

With that amount of ‘tight’ public integration you would think that Canonical/Ubuntu would be a major contributor to OpenStack. You would also think that Red Hat, which has its own cloud efforts would be no where to be found on the list of OpenStack contributors.

As it turns out, a new analysis of code contributions for the OpenStack ESSEX release shows that Red Hat developers contributed more code than Canonical developers. According to an analysis by OpenStack contributor Marck McLaughlin, Red Hat changeset contributions represented 7.9 percent of the Essex changes. Canonical in contrast came in at only 2.6 percent. Red Hat is actually the third biggest contributor after Rackspace (55.2 percent) and Nebula (10.0 percent). In terms of total lines changed, Red Hat came in at 5.4 percent while Canonical came in at 0.6 percent.

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