Ubuntu 12.04 LTS a.k.a. Precise Pangolin

Mark Shuttleworth, father of the popular Ubuntu operating system, proudly announced last evening (October 5th) the name and the goals for the next version of Ubuntu.

Yes dear readers, we are talking about Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, dubbed Precise Pangolin and scheduled for release next year on April 26th.

“It’s a perennial pleasure to pick pertinent and/or pithy placeholder names for Ubuntu releases. At least, I like to think of them as pertinent and/or pithy.”

“Balancing all of those options, I think we have just the right mix in our designated mascot for 12.04 LTS. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Precise Pangolin.” – said Mark Shuttleworth in his blog announcement.

For the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin), the Ubuntu development team will focus their efforts on making a tough and long-lasting, reliable, solid as a rock and well defended operating system.

So, what’s a Pangolin? Well, according to Wikipedia, a pangolin is a mammal of the order Pholidota. It is also known as scaly anteater or Trenggiling. They can be found in tropical regions of Africa and Asia, or in your local ZOO.

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