Beware Of Project Harmony, It’s Harmful

Much advertising is designed to convince us to buy or use of something that we don’t need. When I hear someone droning on about some new, wonderful thing, I have to worry that these folks are actually trying to market something to me.

Very soon, you’re likely to see a marketing blitz for this thing called Project Harmony (which just released its 1.0 version of document templates). Even the name itself is marketing: it’s not actually descriptive, but is so named to market a “good feeling” about the project before even knowing what it is. (It’s also got serious namespace collisionincluding with a project already in the software freedom community.

Project Harmony markets itself as fixing something that our community doesn’t really consider broken. Project Harmony is a set of document templates, primarily promulgated and mostly drafted by corporate lawyers, that entice developers to give control of their software work over to companies.

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