Command Line Music With CMUS


cmus-2.4.3-osxWith my recent focus on minimalism and efficiency in my work environment, it seemed like a good time to take a look at the state of command line music players. I’m glad I did, because the C* Music Player, also known as “cmus”, is fantastic. It’s small, scriptable, and has a great feature set; perfect for the hacker looking for some background music.

CMUS is an Ncurses based application. I’ve had mixed feelings about ncurses based on previous experience with SUSE Linux and the YaST interface. Many times I found YaST to be clunky and slow, but the cmus implementation is very nice. The included man page has a very nice step by step walkthrough that should get your setup and running fairly quickly. Once you’ve added music to your library you can then go back to your overview by hitting the number one, and then using the arrow keys in the to navigate through your folder hierarchy choosing individual songs or a top-level folder to play all the songs in the folder, and pressing enter to play.

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