4 Top Tech Companies That Failed, Survived (and Even Thrived)

Takeaway: Failure sucks. But since it’s inevitable, consider it an opportunity to learn, learn to fail less often and, ultimately, succeed.

Everybody dreams about hitting that big jackpot: an immensely popular app, a game that is so addictive that kids and parents fight over playing time, a blog with thousands of regular followers, or a website that gets millions of visitors each and every day. People look at Angry Birds and Pinterest now and assume that the people behind them were overnight successes, catapulted from obscurity to tech super stardom.

But whether you’re talking about programmers who get noticed by venture capitalists or Internet startup superstars here’s the truth: there are no overnight success stories.

Let’s just be clear about one thing: failure sucks. But since it’s inevitable, consider it an opportunity to learn, learn to fail less often and, ultimately, succeed. Check out these lessons from some of the tech world’s biggest companies. They learned these lessons the hard way, so maybe you won’t have to.

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