SSH is one of the most widely used protocols for connecting to remote shells. While there are numerous SSH clients the most-used still remains OpenSSH’s ssh. There is a plethora of tips and tricks that can be used to make your experience even better than it already is. Read on to discover some of the best tweaks to your favorite SSH client
If you use something like screen of tmux (thus only using one connection for cli stuff), is there still any advantage to using multiplexed connections? For instance, would sshfs or scp use it?
“Got Root?†???? not sure if you didn’t enclose a quote or something but I see this error all over you page
“ssh –D1080 -oControlMaster=no symkat@symkat:~$ ”
This would make it difficult for someone new to ssh with these symbols in the middle of the command
It’s nice to read you, but what about a multi-line style for code and output? (both Google Chrome, Moz Firefox)
As it is now, is only a pre-canned headache ready to explode.
Otherwise, nice article.
Good point, i’ll check for some WP plugin that can do it.
Thanks for the feedback
I don’t see anything at all on this page.
Carlos — confusingly, in order to read the article, you have to click on the text “Read on to discover some of the best tweaks to your favorite SSH client.”