Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Windows

Here we go again, stealing the IP of David Letterman. Actually we found some prior art on this so we think we’re okay – so we offer this week’s Top Ten list!

    1. Those nifty file extensions.
    2. The always there when you need it “control-alt-delete” function.
    3. It’ll execute any file, right out of the box, without any prompting from you!
    4. How can the company that gave us ActiveX go wrong?
    5. Buy now and they’ll throw-in antivirus and a firewall absolutely free – a $200 value!


  1. Peace of mind from knowing you’re not violating any Microsoft patents.
  2. One word: Reboot.
  3. Every crash gives you the opportunity to stop and smell the roses.
  4. More bloat than you can ever use.
  5. Microsoft’s new volume licensing deal, “With six you get egg roll” (some restrictions apply).
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